Critics Warn Of Communist Agenda Behind Ranked-Choice Voting

Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is coming under renewed scrutiny following endorsements from activists affiliated with the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), who see it as a means to advance their political agenda. Drew Bradley and Ryan Krueger, both CPUSA members, recently penned an op-ed advocating for RCV, citing its potential to bolster communist candidates and thwart conservative opponents.

Critics have long raised concerns about RCV, often referred to as “rigged-choice voting,” citing issues such as discarded ballots, inaccurate election results, and outcomes that may contradict voter preferences. The endorsement from CPUSA activists adds another layer of skepticism surrounding the system.

Under RCV, voters rank candidates in order of preference, with the last-place finisher eliminated and their votes reallocated until one candidate secures a majority. While proponents argue that RCV promotes greater voter choice and reduces polarization, opponents fear it may be exploited to manipulate election outcomes and undermine democratic principles.

Bradley and Krueger’s op-ed highlights the CPUSA’s interest in using RCV to advance their political goals, including electing candidates outside the traditional two-party system. They argue that RCV offers an opportunity for “working class mass organizations” to support candidates aligned with their objectives, effectively challenging the dominance of liberal and conservative parties.

However, critics view the CPUSA’s endorsement of RCV as part of a broader effort to subvert democratic institutions and promote a radical agenda. They warn that RCV could be manipulated to benefit communist candidates at the expense of mainstream political parties and undermine the integrity of the electoral process.

Moreover, concerns have been raised about RCV’s impact on election outcomes, particularly its tendency to favor establishment candidates over grassroots challengers. Instances where RCV has boosted Democrats’ electoral prospects, as seen in Alaska and Maine, raise questions about its potential to distort the democratic will and marginalize dissenting voices.

Ken Cuccinelli, national chairman of the Election Transparency Initiative, has called on states to take action to prevent the infiltration of RCV into their electoral systems. He warns that allowing RCV to proliferate could empower fringe groups like the CPUSA to influence elections and undermine the democratic process.

Alabama, Oklahoma and Kentucky are among the states that have recently moved to prohibit the use of RCV in their elections, joining others that have taken similar measures in previous years. Critics argue that such actions are necessary to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process and prevent the manipulation of elections by special interests.